Flesh and Blood: True Fiction by Marcus Dalrymple

Marcus Dalrymple’s Flesh and Blood follows his debut novel, Killing Time. Dalrymple’s contextual knowledge of Mexico is without fault, complemented by Flesh and Blood’s compelling storyline. Following the adventure of Brit John…

Indiscretion by Hannah Fielding

Hannah Fielding is an award-winning writer and published her first book, Burning Embers, in 2012. Since then, she has gone on to publish two more works, The Echoes of Love (2014) and Indiscretion (2015). Extensively travelled…

In-depth Interviews
In the Beginning, the Sea…in the End, a Global Literary Journey

Colombian author Tomás González began writing the story of his brother. Thirty years later it is a tale that has travelled the world captivating readers, and now landed in the English speaking world. Latinolife interviews…

China on the Ground in Latin America: Challenges for the Chinese and Impacts on the Region

A new book shows how Latin America is shaping China’s foreign policy, but ignores China’s impact on the environment and people of the region itself

Things You Should Know About...
Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About... Gabriel Garcia Marquez

If someone has won a Nobel Prize, they’re probably worth listening to. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, one of the most beloved authors of the 20th century, has injected many pieces of wisdom into our society through his literary “hits”…

Spotlight on...
Miguel Hernandez: The Man with Lots of Heart

Today, on the 30th October in 1910, in the town of Orihuela in southeastern Spain, Miguel Hernandez was born. As we come to the end of the month of October, it would seem an apt moment to delve a little into the work and life of…

Bon Voyage, Mr President and Other Stories by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Penguin Books, 1995)

An insight into the world of the great Colombian writer that touches on subjects that everyone can relate to. A beautiful book to read when in between books or when in need of a short term change in literature.

The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho

From the first page you are thrown in to the deep end with magical stories and explanations of what alchemy is, however at no point do you feel out of your depth. Written in third person, the world of a magical adventures and…

Che Wants To See You, by Ciro Bustos

The untold story of Che Guevara (Verso 2013)

Lost and Found in Mexico

An English boy follows the family myth of his great-grandfather's notorious adventures in Mexico in search of an ending, and finds more than he could ever have imagined.

Clash of the Literary Titans? (and THAT black eye)

Candela explores the beef between Gabriel García Márquez and Mario Vargas Llosa that has long been the intrigue of the literary world. Now that the Peruvian has won the Nobel Prize for Literature, is it time for Latin America…

Macedonio Fernandez - The Non-Believer's Belief

This week it is sixty years since the death of Macedonio Fernández, the Argentine writer and philosopher, who Jorge Luis Borges admitted he imitated ‘to the point of devoted and impassioned plagiarism.’ Yet virtually nothing is…


Do modern Colombian authors still lurk in the shadow of Gabriel García Márquez? Candela explores Colombian literature in light of the 2010 celebrations of all things Latin American: a new list published by Granta magazine of the…

I am a feminist, non-feminist writer…(or whatever it takes to stop them talking).

Can you be a socially conscious, female writer in Spain, or anywhere, and not be labelled a feminist? Few hispanic authors have had to battle the gender trap and its scrutiny more than Rosa Montero, one of Spain’s most popular…

Roberto Bolaño: Literary Hot Property or Hot Air?

Roberto Bolaño is being hailed as the best author to come out of Latin America in the past 40 years. Why, after years of success in Spanish, has the Chilean author only now come onto the English-language radar and does he live up…

In the shadow of Lorca

The poems of Federico Garcia Lorca have touched and inspired people and poets worldwide. Yet his passion, defiance to oppression and his unique vision of Andalucía as a tolerant fusion of cultures makes him particularly special…

Tyrant Banderas by Ramon del Valle-Inician

A new English translation by Peter Bush. New York Review of Books Classics series 2012.

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