1. The Holy Mountain- Dir. Jodorowsky, 1973
The film binds powerful social commentary through a biblical medium to portray the dangers of greed. Combined with crazy visuals it creates a surrealist landscape that Dali himself would’ve admired.
2. Cidade de Deus - Dir. Meirelles, 2002
Brazil announced it’s entry contemporary cinema with this tour de force. The protagonist Rocket details not only his perilous upbrgining through the slums but in doing so charts the deeper trends across Brazil from music scenes and drugs to corruption
3. Amores Perros- Dir. Iñárritu, 2000
Iñárritu released what would become the first of a triptych of films in 2000. Amores Perros combines three perspectives in the film, this allows him to show the relative nature of truth while still showing the darker nature of each character.
4. El Secreto de Sus Ojos - Dir. Campanella, 2009
When Benjamín Espósito a retired federal agent begins to write a novel he selects an unfinished case, as he gets drawn into the case he is ofrced to re examine aspects of his own life. Campanella combines a brilliant narrative set against Argentina’s Dirty war for a thriller.
5. La Ley de Herodes - Estrada, 1999 ""Herod's Law"
Estra portrays how power transforms people, and how corruption has plagued Mexico for many many decades."
6. Viridiana - Dir. Buñuel, 1961
The finest work form this iconic Mexican-Spanish director, Viridiana tracks a nun’s attempt to live by Catholic principles in the face of near impossible circumstances. The film was deeply controversial and banned by the vatican at the time.
7. Como Agua Para Chocolate- Dir. Arau, 1992
Arau depicts the binding restrictions of family life as Tita and Pedro find their romance blocked by Tita’s mother, desperate for her eldest to marry first,
8. Central Station- Dir. Salles, 1998
Salles’ genius is in capturing your imagination while confounding you at the same time. The story pits a motherless boy with a lady who works at the central station but rather than a beautiful friendship in a harsh environment Salles doesn’t shy away from painstakingly showing their flaws while also offering the story of how they got there.
9. Macario- Dir. Galvaldón, 1960
Theme of death, and its relation to Mexican culture. Macario combines the themes of Dia de los muertos, the inquisition in 18th century Mexico. Macario, a peasant, is forced into sharing his meal with either the Devil, God or Death. His choices exposes him to the inquisition and a desperate journey to save his life.
10. Y tu mamá también - Dir. Alfonso Cuarón
Cuarón’s brilliant coming of age story like Cidade de Deus made audiences all over the world fall in love again with Latin American Cinema. The story tracks two bored teenagers who convince Ana to go to a near mythical beach. Cuaron humanely, and often humorously depicts their foibles as they journey across Mexico against a backdrop of social commentary on poverty and politics in the country.