After starting her acting career in Los Angeles, Giullianna made the decision to come to the UK. Where as in LA, a lot of people seemed to be "trying acting out for a year to see if they could make it," for Giullianna, "being an actor is a way of life…. in the UK, many people share that philosophy.”
Following her passion for Shakespeare and classical theatre, she realises, has added another layer of difficulty. "Not seeing myself reflected in classical theatre made it seem it was a world I didn't belong in. Representation shapes what you think you can do and where you think you can have a seat at the table.” She in turn is determined to show younger generations that this world can be one in which they feel they belong: “It is my 'why',” Giullianna says. “It’s bigger than me.”

Giullianna described her dream role as “one where a Latina isn’t typically cast,” as in her recent performance in The Crucible. "Rediscovering Tituba, who we don’t normally understand her story very well, allowed me to rediscover the whole Crucible,” says says.
For Giullianna, depicting Tituba as authentically as possible was a way to contribute to the “richness of storytelling,” which brings classic pieces to life and into the present, over and over again. As she progresses in her career, exploring other facets of the industry by branching out into writing, directing and producing, Giullianna centres the battle for representation, and the recognition of its power, in everything she does.

Giullianna Martínez is in her own dress. Hair and Makeup by Josefa Inostroza