Arts and Culture
Reviews | Film
Joining the Dots (Dir. Pablo Romero-Fresco)

Joining the Dots (2012) tells the story of Trevor, who lost his sight at the age of 60. Following a period of depression, he found his way out with the help of audiodescription, which also enabled him to rekindle his passion for…

Reviews | Literature
Che Wants To See You, by Ciro Bustos

The untold story of Che Guevara (Verso 2013)

In-depth Interviews | Art
Un-Dazzling the Gold

As The British Museum awaits over 200 hundred spectacular pre-Columbian gold objects from Bogotá’s Museo de Oro to exhibit in its ‘Beyond El Dorado’ exhibition, Colombians in London might be thinking of protesting rather than…

Reviews | Theatre
Juana in a Million

A mesmerising one-woman Latina show at The Southwark Playhouse until 15th June

Reviews | Film
Grupo 7 Dir. Alberto Rodriguez (2012)

A Spanish film about urban ‘clean up’ operations in the run up to staging international events, one which the Rio de Janeiro government members might want to watch

In-depth Interviews | Film
Split Identity

Viggo Mortenson’s Argentine background (hence his perfect porteño accent) is unknown to most film fans. In this film, the actor famous for his role as Aragorn in Lord of The Rings, The Road and Eastern Promises embraces his ‘…

Spotlight on... |
Let Me Entertain You: Boris Izaguirre in London

Move over Graham Norton. He's in town for one night only, and he's bound to cause quite a splash. Award-winning novelist, beloved TV presenter, honorary Spaniard and gay icon Boris Izaguirre is much more than a…

Features | Literature
Lost and Found in Mexico

An English boy follows the family myth of his great-grandfather's notorious adventures in Mexico in search of an ending, and finds more than he could ever have imagined.

Things You Should Know About... | Film
Things you should know about....Argentine Cinema

Get inspired with ten facts about one of the world's most dynamic and creative film nations.

Things You Should Know About... | Film
Things You Should Know About... Spanish Cinema

From Civil War and Censorship to Scandal and Sexual Desire, here's a few things you might want to know about Spanish Cinema.

Features | Film, Flamenco Dance, Spanish Music
Carlos Saura – A Flamenco Retrospective

The great film director's passion for Flamenco marked his career and helped force the arts establishments in Spain and abroad to give this great art form the respect it was due. Here we pay tribute...

Reviews | Film
'Casa de mi padre'

“If it sounds Spanish, man, that's what it is; it's a Spanish movie.”

In-depth Interviews | Film
Producing the Image of Spain

Executive producer Gervasio Iglesias, Director of Zanfoña Producciones, one of Spain’s most exciting film production outfits, talks to Latinolife about making films in the current crisis and their latest release Unit 7.

In-depth Interviews | Film
Bad Education

Eduardo Chapero-Jackson has been dubbed by critics as the latest ‘one to watch’ in new Spanish cinema. Here at London'sThe Spanish Film Festival, supported by the Cervantes Institute, the writer and director talks to…

Features |
Venezuela Rising

As international artists hail Venezuela as ‘the future of music’ Candela explores why recognition has taken so long to come.

Surrogate Latinos | Culture
Surrogate Latino #1 Ian Mursell – Founder of Mexicolore with Graciela Sanchez

LAYING DOWN THE LORE – For 30 years Ian Mursell, development education specialist and his wife Graciela Sánchez, a dancer with the world famous Ballet Folklórico de México, and have worked with 2,000 primary schools and a wealth…

Features | Culture
Macho, sexist, leery - lovely...

Flirting with strangers in the street is a way of life in Buenos Aires. One gringa tries very hard to disapprove.

Photo / Video Articles | Art
Latins in London - The Photographs of Julio Etchart

Julio Etchart first arrived in the UK from Uruguay in the 1970s and has worked as a photojournalist for the national and international press ever since, winning prestigious prizes such as World Press Award, First Prize, for his…

In-depth Interviews | Film
New Spanish Cinema - Daniel Monzon and Film Philosophy at its best

On the DVD release of Cell 211, Latinolife interviews Daniel Monzón, one of the new great directors of Spanish Cinema, Daniel Monzón reveals his passions and fears during the making of his film, which ended in some unexpected,…

Features | Theatre
The End of the World As We Know It

Roxana Silbert, the Royal Shakespeare Company’s Argentine born Associate-Director, talks to Elizabeth Mistry about the RSC's joint venture with Mexico's Teatro Nacional which opens in Stratford before transferring to…

Features | Literature
Clash of the Literary Titans? (and THAT black eye)

Candela explores the beef between Gabriel García Márquez and Mario Vargas Llosa that has long been the intrigue of the literary world. Now that the Peruvian has won the Nobel Prize for Literature, is it time for Latin America…

Features | Film
The Unusual Spaniard

As daughter of Hollywood legend Charlie Chaplin, Geraldine Chaplin was destined for fame or failure in her own film career. Instead, she became an unlikely icon of Spanish cinema through some unusual choices of her own.…

Features | Literature
Macedonio Fernandez - The Non-Believer's Belief

This week it is sixty years since the death of Macedonio Fernández, the Argentine writer and philosopher, who Jorge Luis Borges admitted he imitated ‘to the point of devoted and impassioned plagiarism.’ Yet virtually nothing is…

In-depth Interviews | Film
Presumed Guilty: Victim of Mexico's legal system gets rare break to tell story

Over the net the controversial film about a street vendor stitched up by the Mexican legal system is spreading like wildfire and in England it is about to go on general release. Back in Mexico, judges are seeking to ban…

In-depth Interviews | Art
Travelling the Veins of Caracas

Tanya Yusti interviews Chris Anderson, the acclaimed photo-journalist whose latest book of photographs Capitolio, takes us on a disturbing and exuberant journey through Caracas.

Features | Literature

Do modern Colombian authors still lurk in the shadow of Gabriel García Márquez? Candela explores Colombian literature in light of the 2010 celebrations of all things Latin American: a new list published by Granta magazine of the…

Photo / Video Articles | Art
The Photos of Debbie Bragg and the Rise of a New UK Club Culture

By chronicling the new generation of Latino-Brits in their party element, this oustanding photographer became THE documentarist of the urban latin movement in the UK and helped put urban latin culture on the map. Exclusively on…

Features | Art
In Oaxaca The Walls Speak

In a country whose history simmers with political resistance and art, graffiti has come to reflect a post-modern merging of the two. Far away from the Banksy hype, we celebrate the art of Mexican political graffiti and the…

First Person | Food
The Taste of Colombia

London's most celebrated Latin American chef and owner of one of London's finest Latin American restaurants describes his passion for the cuisine of his homeland, Colombia. Can we sense a touch of nostalgia, Esnayder?

Features | Film
Venezuelan Cinema in Search of 'Our Language'

Can Venezuela’s new state-sponsored cinema live up to its Cuban and Russian precedents or will it drown in the accusations of mediocrity and dogma that surrounds it?

Features | Literature
I am a feminist, non-feminist writer…(or whatever it takes to stop them talking).

Can you be a socially conscious, female writer in Spain, or anywhere, and not be labelled a feminist? Few hispanic authors have had to battle the gender trap and its scrutiny more than Rosa Montero, one of Spain’s most popular…

Culture Guides | Culture, Society
Las Cosas por su Nombre

Confused when someone tells you to "Stand my balls up", "arm a patch and throw out the wagon" or "take out my stone by making a show"? You'll need Candela’s guide to authentic Colombian Spanish…

In-depth Interviews | Theatre
Spain's Sweet Revenge

Four hundred years after Henry VIII divorced and disgraced Spain's beloved Katherine of Aragon, Spain has the chance to seek sweet revenge on the old rascal by bringing its interpretation of Shakespeare's Henry VIII to…

In-depth Interviews | Theatre
Che, Enrique IV, qué hacé!

Shakespeare in Argentine? Really? Just the thought of the mischievous Argentine psyche giving a twist to theatre’s most famous human commentator, is enough to make one smile. We talk to theatre director Rubén Szuchmacher, who…

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João Pedro Mariano and Ricardo Teodoro in BABY
Film & Theatre
Brazilian film ‘BABY’, by Marcelo Caetano selected for the 63rd ‘Semaine…

“I did not run away from home; they ran away from me”. After two years and barely 18, Wellington…

A selection of dishes at Morito

Morito is a charming tapas bar in Exmouth Market, serving top-notch cocktails and an array of tasty…

Spanish Albums That Rocked the World

From flamenco, bolero and copla to hip-hop, reggatón and pop, Spanish music has evolved in exciting…

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As one of the biggest football teams in South America and the world, the Argentine Football…

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Since the days when Mexico was a serious rival to Hollywood in terms of film production and quality…

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Globally, Mexico is known as a boxing powerhouse, boasting some of the greatest champions in the…